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international Climate Adaptation Research Institute (iCARI)

If you want more information about the international Climate Adaptation Research Institute, please do not hesitate to contact us.


We will happily answer all stimulating questions and provide the necessary information.


If you want to become a member of iCARI, click on the Registration section of our website.​


​If you are interested in immediate answers, you can find our interactive chat at the bottom right. If we are online, we can respond immediately. If not, you can still leave us your message or questions there. They will not be lost.

Scan our contact business cards to your phone. We in the iCARI don't use paper anymore anyway.

Branislav Siklienka

Branislav Siklienka + Zelená strecha =  Asociácia pre zelené strechy a zelenú infraštruktúru.
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President iCARI

Ján Rapan

Ján Rapan + Zelená strecha =  Asociácia pre zelené strechy a zelenú infraštruktúru.
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Vice President iCARI


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Eva Papp

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Research/Project coordinator

Jana Tóth

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EU Funding Sources

Milan Klinčok

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Research/Project coordinator

Basic contacts

Official name (ENG):

international Climate Adaptation Research Institute

Legal form: Non-Profit organization

Registered by: VVS/1-900/90-60445 v  Register Non-profit organization - Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic

Oficiálnny názov (SVK):

Medzinárodný inštitút výskumu Klimatickej adaptácie, o.z. (SVK)

Právna forma: Občianske združenie

Registrácia: VVS/1-900/90-60445 v  Registeri mimovládnych neziskových organizácií SR

Address/Adresa: Bystrické sady 8727/36, 84106 Bratislava, Slovakia

ID/IČO: 53469267

TAX ID/DIČ: 2121651653

IBAN: SK6275000000004028710600 ČSOB

Management iCARI

iCARI Supervisory board:

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